
Transform Your Dairy Business With The Next Generation ERP Software


ERPNext for Dairy Industry – Most Dairy organizations have well defined systems under ISO certification. Some people in this vast network of Dairy industry are already using IT in a major way in Societies for milk procurement and billing system and even accounts. Some dairies or unions have partial automation with islands of computerization along with manual systems. However very few Dairies are able to fully transform themselves with an ERP as the backbone of their operations.ERPNext for Dairy Industry is an ERP developed, implemented and supported by Eastern Software Systems. Vulero has helped various dairies achieve marked improvements in managing their operations spread over Milk Procurement, Sales, Cattle feed, Veterinary services, Purchase, Chilling centre management, Society accounts reconciliation, Production and the back office processes of Sales, Procurement, Inventory, Payroll, Finance and Asset management.

Milk collection data from the milk receipt department from various centers is uploaded into the ERP, calculation of milk bills society wise based on SNF content from lab and weighing machines is done and purchase credited to individual societies in finance. Payment and purchase rate policies can be defined as per route, arrival time, quality and milk of cow, buffalo or mix grade. Cyclic billing and payment to societies on periodic basis, with adjustment of earnings and deductions against good or bad quality, achieving or overshooting targets and purchases like cattle feed, seeds, veterinary visits, compulsory deposits etc. is done before making payment. This single window on-line settlement of milk bills and society accounts both for credit and debits provides improved operational efficiency and speed of account settlement.


Sales can be through distributors, institutional sales, milk bars etc. System also takes into account sales returns. The categorization of various centers and milk products is possible on various parameters. Sales is integrated with Inventory and Finance, thus concurrently updating inventory and also taking care of outstanding and ageing analysis as well as MIS on sales. Software also provides processes to upload dispatch details and sales data to and from Apex Organization HO. Globeretics can also manage marketing and sales promotions schemes.

Cattle Feed

ERP System for Dairy automates all the activities of cattle feed business of the dairy starting from procurement of Raw Materials till dispatch to desired destinations including managing Broker accounts. It takes care of standards and specifications of raw materials and links rebates and premium based on QC reports for payments to vendors. Software takes into account the advance payments, their adjustment, dispatches with various packing options and invoicing etc. It is also linked to societies’ accounts integrated in Finance. Centralized server helps the Dairy to manage different plant locations easily for purchase as well as dispatches and accounts management for both receivables and payables.


Purchase depends on the rolling plan received from the apex body. ERP for DAIRY helps in calculating the quantity to be purchased on the basis of lead time and reorder level and on basis of the forecasted sales in case of derivative product units. It takes care of Sub-contracting and Service purchases. The RFQ based purchase feature of ebizframe for DAIRY, totally integrated to Purchase bill passing and inventory, gives good control to purchase department. A well designed report for quotation comparison and ordering is part of purchase module for dairy industry. KUDU ERP software also has facility for import purchases and relevant inputs like Bill of Entry and landed cost etc.